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- (INPUT 001)
- The following article comes from the 'TC TECHNICAL CONSULTANT',
- Nov.-Dec., 1991 issue:
- "The death of a journalist in West Virginia, plus the
- jailing of an alleged CIA computer consultant in Washington State
- may be elements of a much wider scandal that could have serious
- implications for the Bush White House in 1992.
- "What started out as an investigation of an apparent case of
- pirated software has grown to be a project involving hundreds of
- journalists all over the world.
- "The dead journalist, Joseph Daniel 'Danny' Casolaro was
- found dead August 10th in a motel room in West Virginia. His
- wrists were slashed seven times on each wrist and a suicide note
- was found nearby. The only manuscript of his book, with
- accompanying notes, WAS MISSING.
- "The book, provisionally titled 'The Octopus', was meant to
- be an explosive expose of misdeeds by the Justice Department
- under the Reagan administration. Time Magazine also reported
- that Casolaro's research centered on gambling and attempted arms
- deals at the Cabazon reservation near Indio (California -
- Branton).
- "Indeed, the scope of Casolaro's investigation was so large
- that any one of a large number of areas of research could have
- been the trigger for a possible hit.
- "While authorities declared his death a suicide, his
- relatives definitely stated that Casolaro's mental state was
- sound, indeed upbeat, after the completion of his book.
- "Casolaro started his work nearly two years before,
- investigating the bankrupting of a small computer software
- company called Inslaw, allegedly by the U.S. Justice Department.
- INSLAW, a company headed by Bill and Nancy Hamilton of Washington
- D.C., had developed a package known as PROMIS--short for
- Prosecutor's Management Information System--to act as a case
- management tool for the Justice Department's unwieldy work load.
- "Inslaw President Bill Hamilton [NOT the well-known UFO
- researcher - Branton] has claimed that Ed Meese associate EARL
- BRIAN was given control of pirated versions of the PROMIS
- software by Meese to sell back to different U.S. government
- agencies for great profit. Two courts have so far agreed with
- Hamilton awarding an 8 million dollar judgement, but a higher
- court of appeal has quashed the award and the verdict, declaring
- that it was not the jurisdiction of the lower courts. As of
- October 9, the case has moved into the realm of the Supreme
- Court.
- "According to a Washington man, who claims to have modified
- the cobol-based software for the CIA and other intelligence
- agencies, the software was a reward for Earl Brian's role in
- arranging the so-called 'October Surprise' gambit, the alleged
- conspiracy to withhold the American hostages in Iran until after
- the 1980 election which saw Carter removed from power. The
- 'October Surprise' scandal has taken some time to emerge.
- "In a Paris meeting, President Bush is alleged to have met
- with Ali Akabar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the speaker of the Iranian
- Parliament, Mohammed Ali Rajai, the future President of Iran and
- Manucher Ghorbanifar, an Iranian arms dealer with connections to
- Mossad, according to Navy Captain Gunther Russbacher who claims
- to have flown Bush, William Casey--the CIA chief--and Donald
- Gregg, a CIA operative to that location. Russbacher, who made
- these allegations in May is now in jail on Terminal Island,
- convicted on the charge of impersonating a U.S. Attorney.
- "The Washington man is MICHAEL RICONOSCIUTO who is now
- waiting for a trial in a Washington jail on conspiracy to sell
- drugs charges, charges which Riconosciuto claims are
- manufactured. Indeed, the charge made against Riconosciuto were
- made one week after Riconosciuto authored and signed an affidavit
- describing his role in modifying the pirated software.
- "The affidavit also claimed that he had been contacted by
- phone and threatened by PETER VIDENIEKS, a Justice Department
- employee and Customs official, who Riconosciuto alleged had
- intelligence ties, as to the possible consequences of his going
- public with certain information.
- "According to Riconosciuto, Videnieks was a frequent visitor
- to the Cabazon Indian reservation near Palm Springs and visited
- with tribal manager, John P. Nichols. Nichols was in essence
- Riconosciuto's boss in a number of enterprises conducted on
- reservation land and the PROMIS modification was just one of
- these projects. According to Riconosciuto, in an interview with
- T.C. conducted from jail, the PROMIS software was modified to
- install a backdoor access for use by American intelligence
- services. The software was then sold to 88 different countries
- as a sort of 'trojan horse' package enabling us to access their
- intelligence systems. According to Riconosciuto these countries
- included Iraq and Libya.
- "Correspondence between Nichols and other companies, if
- authentic, indicates that Riconosciuto's claims of his expertise
- in the area of electronics and armaments appear to be true.
- Marshall Riconoscuito, Michael's father is a reputed former
- business partner of Richard Nixon.
- "According to Riconosciuto, the fuzzy status of reservation
- land as 'sovereign' allowed elements of the CIA and organized
- crime to conduct business uniquely.
- "Among the projects worked on during this time were joint
- projects with WACKENHUT, a company loaded with former CIA and NSA
- personnel and business ventures with the Saudi Arabian royal
- family and other unusual projects.
- "A joint venture with Southern California Edison will soon
- be generating power for bio-mass drawn from local waste outlets.
- Biological warfare projects were investigated with Stormont
- laboratories looking into the creation of 'pathogenic viruses'
- and enhanced fuel-air explosive weapons were created and tested
- in league with Meridian Arms at the NEVADA TESTING RANGE which
- matched the explosive power of nuclear devices.
- "These enhanced weapons gained their power from polarizing
- the molecules in the gas cloud by modification of the electric
- field, a technology developed from exploring Thomas Townsend
- Brown's suppressed work, a knowledge which Riconosciuto claims he
- gained from working at LEAR in Reno, Nevada.
- "Riconosciuto is said to have worked on the enhanced fuel-
- air explosive weapons with Gerald Bull of Space Research
- Corporation. Bull, now deceased, later became an arms advisor to
- Saddam Hussein. It is said that HUSSEIN POSSESSES THE FAE
- "In July, Anson Ng, a reporter for the Financial Times of
- London was shot and killed in Guatemala. He had reportedly been
- trying to interview an American there named Jimmy Hughes, a one-
- time director of security for the Cabazon Indian Reservation
- secret projects.
- "In April, a Philadelphia attorney named Dennis Eisman was
- found dead, killed by a single bullet in his chest. According to
- a former federal official who worked with Eisman, the attorney
- was found dead in the parking lot where he had been due to meet
- with a woman who had crucial evidence to share substantiating
- Riconosciuto's claims.
- "Both Eisman's and Ng's deaths were declared suicides by
- authorities.
- "Fred Alvarez, a Cabazon tribal leader who was in vocal
- opposition to the developments on the reservation, was found shot
- to death with two friends in 1981. Their murder remains
- unsolved.
- "The leader of the House, Thomas Foley, announced last month
- that a formal inquiry will be initiated into the Inslaw case.
- Foley appointed Senator Terry Sanford as co-chairman of the joint
- congressional panel. Prior to his election, Senator Sanford was
- the attorney representing Earl Brian in his 1985 takeover bid for
- United Press International and was instrumental in appointing
- Earl Brian, a medical doctor, to the board of Duke Medical
- School, of which Sanford is President.
- "However, despite repeated requests from journalists to
- produce photographs showing Riconosciuto together with Brian, and
- requests to produce his passport showing his alleged trip to
- Iran, he has not yet done so. Also Riconosciuto failed to be
- able to describe Peter Videnieks to CNN's Moneyline program,
- claiming a medical condition prevented him from remembering
- clearly.
- "This led one former intelligence operative to speculate
- that we may be witnessing a very sophisticated intelligence
- operation being played out in public.
- "Former F.B.I. Special Agent, Ted Gunderson, speaks for
- Riconosciuto's credibility. Gunderson, who lives in Manhattan
- Beach, has worked with Riconosciuto for many years in his
- capacity as private investigator.
- "Together, according to Gunderson, they were responsible for
- thwarting a terrorist operation during the Los Angeles Olympics.
- According to Gunderson, Riconosciuto was well known in certain
- circles as a genius in almost all sciences.
- "The so-called drug operation broken up in Washington State
- was an electrohydrodynamic mining operation claimed Gunderson,
- using Townsend Brown technology. A videotape viewed by this
- journalist revealed metallic powders and apparent processes
- unrelated to drug manufacture. Indeed, a government analysis of
- soil samples revealed the absence of drug contamination, but a
- high concentration of barium. Barium is often found in high
- voltage related work.
- "Unsubstantiated information from an intelligence source
- claims that the current situation is the visible effect OF A WAR
- centered in the CIA called Aquarius (around a powerful center
- known as MJ-12) and a group known as COM-12 centered around Naval
- Intelligence. COM-12 is reputedly trying to sustain a rearguard
- action to sustain and preserve constitutional government and is
- deliberately LEAKING INFORMATION damaging to the former group."
- (Take note of William 'Bill' Cooper's pro-constitution,
- anti-MJ/12 writings and his past association with high levels of
- Naval Intelligence - Branton)
- In the same publication, same issue, there appeared a small
- article just following the one quoted above. Written by Thomas
- PROJECT WORLD" stated:
- "The Wackenhut company has a very close connection to the
- world of BLACK BUDGET PROJECTS. Besides being connected with the
- Cabazon venture mentioned in this issue it is also responsible,
- according to jailed computer consultant Michael Riconosciuto, FOR
- The Underground Labs near Dulce are alleged to be tied-in with
- the Department of Energy, Rand Corp, Los Alamos Labs, MJ-12 and
- other 'secret government' controlled military-industrial
- organizations. It is believed to be the largest underground
- laboratory of it's kind in the United States, and perhaps the
- world - Branton)
- "After sending two of my colleagues there recently AND
- INSTALLATION I decided to call the newspaper office and make an
- educated bluff.
- "I identified myself as a freelance reporter from Los
- Angeles--and told the newspaper that I was doing a story on the
- Cabazon reservation biological warfare projects that had been
- undertaken there on behalf of the CIA. I told her that I had
- heard that there were similar things being done in Dulce and
- would like to know what was going on.
- "The official I spoke to BECAME FRIGHTENED and said, 'I
- can't talk to you about that! It would be very unprofessional of
- me to talk to you about that. You'll have to speak to the
- President of the tribe.' She then hung up.
- "I have yet to call back and ask the President of the tribe,
- but will report on that in the next issue.
- "Wackenhut is also responsible for security of a lot of
- UNDERGROUND FACILITIES in California and Nevada, including the
- notorious S-4 or Area 51 in Nevada where Townsend Brown flying
- disk technology (written about in a T.C. recent issue) has been
- flying and developing for decades.
- "A recent helicopter crash at the area, where two pilots and
- three security guards from Wackenhut flying in a Messerschmit BO-
- 105 helicopter were killed was not at all accidental claimed
- Riconosciuto, who said that the individuals aboard the helicopter
- were traveling with sensitive documents.
- "Groups are now investigating Riconosciuto's claims."
- * * *
- (INPUT 002)
- On Oct. 20, 1991, California researcher Michael Lindemann,
- founder of 'The 20/20 Group', gave a lecture before a large crowd
- of interested investigators which seems to confirm much of that
- which appears above. Mr. Lindemann began his address by saying:
- "How many of your saw the program on CBS Network on May 17th
- (1991) called 'ABDUCTION'? It was narrated by James Earl Jones.
- It was really quite a remarkable program, it took the subject of
- abduction absolutely seriously. This was prime time network,
- CBS. Of course FOX (network) has done a number of other programs
- and there have been some outstanding UFO segments on 'UNSOLVED
- MYSTERIES'. But last night, maybe even a little more remarkable
- than the FOX 1-hour special, was what came on the news right
- after. Because in the Fox Network news program that followed in
- the 10 o'clock segment there was a hard news story about the
- allegation that the United States government is 'doing business'
- with greys. I have never seen anything like it... it was a very
- impressive indication of the way in which this subject is
- suddenly becoming O.K. to talk about. That says to me there has
- been a switch 'at the top'...
- "In our conversation today I use two terms... and the first
- of these terms is 'government'. We speak of the government as if
- it is a single thing. It is hardly that. It is actually a
- hodge-podge of... power-struggling people, but I would like to
- break it up into two main categories, and that is: 1) The
- government that we consider to be our duly constituted, our
- elected and appointed representatives who attempt as best they
- can to run a semblance of order or Federal government which
- follows the dictates of the constitution of the United States.
- The constitution is, after all, a darn good piece of paper, it is
- one of the best ever written... If only our government were
- capable of behaving in even... a resemblance of what is intended
- in the constitution, probably few of us would have a great deal
- to gripe about...
- "Now that they've failed to do that is not only because they
- are fallible humans, but also because they are undermined by
- another government. There is indeed another government operating
- and that government has immense power and operates primarily
- behind the scenes. And some other researchers have called it the
- 'secret government', some have called it the 'high cabal'. And
- it is a group of people, a very elite group, non-elected, self-
- appointed people who guide the evolution of (government) policy
- from behind the scenes. These are people who transcend partisan
- politics, indeed who transcend the rule of law, and have no
- thought whatsoever toward the dictates of the constitution.
- "These are people who regard themselves as the only true
- guardians or crafters of geo-political reality. And they regard
- us, indeed they regard elected officials as 'mere mortals'.
- These people are the self-appointed 'OLYMPIANS'. They have done
- many things in the name of an agenda which is their own, that we
- would consider appalling and reprehensible. Indeed things that
- are criminal, but they're more than criminal because they have
- sapped and usurped the rights and privileges and the
- possibilities of our future. These people are running a king of
- 'end game' right now. They are trying to determine how 'they'
- will survive the end time. Whether that end time comes as a kind
- of biblical apocalypse or... as the catastrophic collapse of the
- environment... the (so-called) 'population bomb' and all the
- other things.. whether it comes as a collapse of the banking-
- system which looks to be only days away, or the collapse of the
- rest of the world's economy - there are many things that could
- get us.
- "And these people in effect are building their own version
- of 'Noah's Ark'. And that 'Noah's Ark' they're building is
- underground. Underground bases, indeed all over the world, but
- particularly here in the United States. Huge underground bases
- that have actually festooned the underground geography of our
- continent in a way that would probably stun and shock you. But
- they even have an underground government, because you see when
- the government topside is no longer functional because a nuclear
- bomb lands on Capital Hill, or whether it comes simply because
- the chaos has reached a point where they must abandon ship, there
- is preparation as there has been for decades for continuity of
- government, all the computers, all the personnel are currently in
- place and operating around the clock. Yes, they are there
- friends, we have another government in waiting, a government that
- you never authorized, that you never said we would pay for, that
- has cost a CALLOSAL FORTUNE, but it's there underground, ready to
- take over. And indeed, here in our area, I have focused on the
- Lancaster (CA) area as an example of one of the many... but even
- in Lancaster in particular, we know for certain are huge
- underground bases. These are not only places where incredible
- research is underway but also places where people will go to live
- when the 'bleep' hits the blades as they say. And, these are
- places that are capable of supporting on an ongoing basis some
- tens of thousands of people. And so across the country it may be
- possible to 'save' an 'elect' remnant of some hundreds of
- thousands of people who will be the 'cream' of the civilization
- that is meant to survive the apocalypse or the downfall... or
- whatever it is that's out there getting us. 'Mere mortals' will
- have to fend for themselves. The expectation is, part of the end
- game is, (that those on the surface) will eventually fight each
- other into a draw or will die of exhaustion or starvation or
- brutality. And that eventually the 'mere mortals' will (destroy)
- themselves and rid the world of excess population, so that the
- 'cream', the 'remnant' will come forward and claim their
- 'rightful' place... I must say that there is an immense amount of
- evidence which does support this exact scenario.
- "Let's talk about the term 'aliens', because there are those
- who claim that there are 'aliens' among us... There are at
- least... three kinds of aliens represented in the evidence
- available to us... (he explains these as those presently
- inhabiting other planetary bodies such as the greys; those hidden
- among us such as human-like beings who inhabit underground,
- undersea and in some cases other-planetary regions yet who often
- walk unnoticed in our societies; and paraphysical entities who
- inhabit another 'dimension' other than the one we see with our
- physical sight - Branton) And I think the evidence is very strong
- that there is a profound 'alien' presence among us... these are
- people who are here, beings who are here, in large numbers...
- "But there is this government that has known about the alien
- presence for a long time, a government that has been playing an
- 'end game'. A government that has an agenda of concealment and
- control, that is operated by terror. In Lancaster, that agenda
- of concealment and control is what I call the 'Lancaster
- Syndrome'. It produces strange distortions in many peoples
- lives...
- "First let me tell you about a man who sits today in Pierce
- County jail outside of Tacoma, Washington. This man's name is
- Michael Riconosciuto."
- Lindemann states that Riconosciuto formerly worked for a
- corporation called Wackenhut which provides special security
- protection for high-security areas such as the Nevada Test Site.
- Michael R. claims that the real reason he was sent to jail was
- because he swore out an affidavit against the Dept. of Justice.
- In that affidavit he explained that the U.S. Dept of Justice had
- 'swindled' the private company INSLAW out of a proprietary
- software called PROMIS. This software was a database designed to
- track special groups of people according to various
- characteristics. It was a very powerful, very capable database.
- INSLAW developed this in the early 1980's and took it to the
- Dept. of Justice thinking it would be a good law enforcement
- software. The Dept. of Justice would be most useful in helping
- to track terrorists and other troublemakers. They realized that
- if they could get control of the software, according to Michael
- R., they could sell it to other countries and make huge profits.
- "So the Dept. of Justice allegedly made a deal with the
- INSLAW Corp. for an exclusive on the PROMIS software, and then
- they drove INSLAW into bankruptcy by refusing to pay. Lindemann
- continues:
- "The amazing thing is that they were caught. And in 1988
- BARONS magazine in the April 4th (1991) issue... contained this
- fairly astonishing piece of news: 'Presiding judge in the
- bankruptcy hearing was judge George Basing.' According to
- BARONS, Judge Basing had found that the justice dept. had
- personally propelled INSLAW into bankruptcy in an effort to steal
- it PROMIS software through 'Trickery, deceit and fraud.' On Feb.
- 2, 1988, Basing ordered the justice dept. to pay INSLAW about 6.8
- million dollars (no doubt to be ultimately financed by the
- friendly American taxpayer - Branton). He postponed at that time
- a decision on punitive damages which could run as high as
- $25,000,000. And as it happens, all of that is all in appeal.
- The justice dept. was not at all pleased with that ruling. It
- does state that justice is in a sorry state in America. If you
- didn't know that already, I hope this helps you to understand."
- Michael was responsible for doing the modifications on the
- PROMIS software before selling that software to the Canadian
- government after it was 'stolen' from INSLAW, and so he had an
- inside track on this information.
- "He explained," Lindemann continues, "that the Dept. of
- Justice, among other things, prevailed on him in Feb. of this
- year (1991) not to offer his information in the ongoing lawsuit.
- One Dept. of Justice official by the name of Peter Videnicks
- state that if he would cooperate with this request they could
- promise him certain benefits..." including an assurance given by
- a Dept. of Justice employee of a favorable outcome in a prolonged
- custody battle between Michael R. and his ex-wife. According to
- Michael R., the Dept., of Justice "'...also outlined specific
- punishments that I could expect to receive... if I did cooperate
- with the House Judiciary Committee!'
- "Now this is just an indicator," Lindemann states, "that the
- Dept. of Justice definitely has it's own idea of the meaning of
- justice."
- Michael Riconosciuto went ahead and swore out an affidavit
- against the Justice Dept. alleging grand larceny against the
- INSLAW Corp. Lindemann stated that none of the threatened
- punishments ever came about as they found an easier way to frame
- him, "that is, they busted (framed) him for drugs, and now he
- sits facing a possible life sentence in the Pierce Co. Jail. But
- because of that he's very, very scared because he knows now that
- these guys will take-him-out whenever they darn well feel like
- it. And so he's talking, he's talking in every way he can... In
- particular we wanted to ask Michael R. something about some of
- the things going on at the underground bases. I'd like to read
- you just a little bit of what Michael Riconosciuto told us
- recently about that. I asked him, what did he know about the
- underground bases in the Lancaster area. I'm going to quote now
- our conversation:
- "He said, 'Well, there's extensive stuff in... I call it the
- 'Edwards position', and then at Nellis over in Nevada, and at the
- Nevada Test Site.' Then he went on to say, 'Last summer I had a
- group of guys bagging a whole bunch of files and records, and
- some equipment out of Wackenhut and they had a helicopter loaded
- to the nuts and they got shot down before they could get out of
- there.'
- "I don't know how many of you noticed,' Lindemann continues,
- "but there was an article in the LOS ANGELES TIMES, the 24th of
- PROBED. This was the most serious accident which had ever
- occurred in the history of the Test Site. Five people were
- killed when this helicopter went down, and the FAA and the DOE
- and the National Transportation and safety board all converged on
- the Nuclear Test Site to figure out what brought this copter
- down. But you may be ASSURED that they will never tell you
- because it was SHOT down by Wackenhut, and it contained two
- pilots and 3 Wackenhut personnel according to the article in the
- "I said, 'I heard about that. Are you saying that that was
- a group of, let's say, renegades from the inside who were trying
- to bolt for the blue and WACKENHUT shot them down? Is that your
- allegation?' And he said,
- "'Yep!'
- "And I said, 'Is there anything more that you can say about
- this?' He said:
- "'Not on the phone.'
- "I said, 'Were you aware of that before it happened?'
- "He said, 'Yes. I told a handful of people that we were
- hoping to get a big stash of stuff out of there.'
- "I said, 'Were they trying to get out of Nellis?'
- "He said, 'No, not Nellis, off the Nuclear Test Site.'
- "And the information they were trying to get out, what did
- it pertain to?'
- "And he said, 'Guess! I don't even want to talk about it.
- The worst!'
- "And I said, 'The very worst. hugh?'
- "And he said, 'yep'.
- "Now I don't know of the 'very worst,' do you? I mean I'm
- not really sure, but it seemed to me, judging from other things
- that we had talked with Mike about and some of the other things
- that we've heard from witnesses in the underground bases... the
- 'very worst' could be one of two main possibilities in my book...
- The very worst #1) - Really nasty, scary alien stuff. The very
- worst #2) - Really nasty, scary bio-tech... bio-engineering
- stuff. There's all kinds of genetic engineering, some of which
- has to do with the 'creation' of biological warfare agents, some
- of which has to do with the 'creation' of strange bacteria, and
- perhaps new strains of chimpanzees and (perhaps) people. There
- are very, very weird experiments going on, and I thought, 'O.K.,
- fine, maybe one or the other of those things.'
- "But our conversation continued and it leaned in one
- direction so let's just see what he had to say next.
- "I said, 'One of your associates seemed to indicate that
- there was technology operating that would have the appearance of
- flying saucers, but be absolutely terrestrial. Can you comment
- on that?'
- "And he said, 'Sure, we had some propulsion devices that
- were, let's say, rather astounding.'
- "I said, 'Is this stuff operational?' And he said 'Oh, yes,
- it's operational.'
- "I said, 'O.K., so there are vehicles. Would you say that
- they belonged in the arsenal, or are they part of a sort of gee-
- whiz lunatic fringe of science?'
- "And he said, 'Oh no, they're part of the arsenal. It's not
- lunatic fringe stuff, it's all well-funded, it's all very real.
- I've worked on portions of it, I've worked on teams that have
- worked on this stuff, and I've seen with my own eyes. The only
- thing that I have been shielded from, is any REAL (alien)
- contact. That I've never been brought directly in contact with,
- in fact, that part has been minimized to me.' (According to many,
- a malevolent race of non-human 'alien' entities tied-in with the
- secret government are the TRUE motivators behind many of the
- control scenarios against mankind, and that many in the secret
- government have 'sold' themselves and their services to this
- invading army and act as a type of 'fifth column', in exchange
- for certain 'physical' benefits - Branton).
- "And I said to him, 'In the way you've said that, I get the
- impression that you assume that there are extraterrestrials (i.e.
- 'aliens') around.'
- "And he said, 'I have no direct knowledge of that, O.K.?
- That's all. There's alot of strange technology, there's alot of
- extra-heavy security, O.K.? Anybody who breeches a certain point
- of security is instantly dead or disappears.
- "I said, 'Are you saying that given all the other
- indiscretions you've shown over the years, that this one would be
- worst?'
- "And he said, 'Yes, I would say so.'
- "I said, 'really?'
- "He said. 'Yes, Yes! It's like those people who were
- leaving the Nuclear Test Site, they were summarily blown out of
- the sky.'
- "Now, Michael knew (he was talking on a prison telephone -
- his phone was tapped) indeed, that people who talk too loud, in
- too much detail about the actual 'alien' situation are liable to
- run into severe problems. Being that he's already in prison and
- a sitting duck, he's obviously very careful with his words. But
- we have talked with some other people who have been more
- forthright about what they have actually seen in the underground
- bases.
- "One of our sources is a construction worker. He came out
- of vietnam, he was a very decorated Special Forces soldier.
- Among other things he got the Congressional Medal of Honor. And
- because he was special forces in the Vietnamese war, when he came
- back stateside he was offered all kinds of bizarre jobs in top
- security. He felt that those would be too restrictive so he went
- into construction instead. But because of his military record he
- had an inside track on a security clearance. He wound up doing
- construction in the underground bases.
- "Now you see, the underground installations are built just
- like a building is built. You know, you've got to do electrical
- conduit, you've got to paint the walls! Whose going to do it?
- It's not going to be the Secretary of Defense. It's going to be
- a guy like our guy! It's going to be like this fellow whose got
- a Congressional Medal of honor and now does special electrical
- conduiting underground. So he's told us what he saw.
- "There's a facility called Haystack Butte, it's on the
- Edwards (AFB) reservation... (Note: At this point Lindemann shows
- the audience a map of the area encompassing Edwards AFB, the city
- of Lancaster and Palmdale to the south - which is the sight of
- 542 where the B-2 bomber is assembled and alot of other secret
- aircraft. All of the major aircraft and aerospace companies are
- located in this area, among other places. It also showed the
- Tahachapi facility west of Lancaster, nicknamed the 'Ant Hill',
- which is administered by Northrup and which is rumored by some to
- house underground 'disk' hangers for wingless aircraft built by
- the Secret-Government-Military-Industrial establishment. In the
- southeast corner of Lindemann's map the Tejon ranch was visible,
- which is a large cattle ranch that goes up into the Tahachapi
- range to the southeast of Bakersfield, California. He also
- pointed out an extensive underground facility maintained by
- MacDonnell Douglas, and the Helendale Facility administered by
- Lockheed. In this same general area is Haystack Butte which is
- 'jointly' administered, with North American Rockwell involved as
- well - Branton).
- "So what we have here is a situation where you've got our
- major aerospace companies heavily implicated. I mean this is
- what is meant by the Military-Industrial Complex. These
- companies are HEAVILY implicated in super, super secret projects,
- and at the very top they're all cooperating together. All the
- 'bidding wars' and every thing that you see are like mid-level
- smoke and mirrors. But at the very top we're talking about
- projects that are conducted by all these different people pooling
- their resources, pooling their information, and indeed pooling
- their money, which comes in incredible profusion from the Black
- Budget.
- "How many of you have seen the book 'BLANK CHECK'?... It is
- not a UFO book. I strongly recommend that you read the book
- 'BLANK CHECK' so that you can understand something about how
- these projects are funded without your sayso, indeed without the
- sayso of Congress. Most citizens don't know for example that the
- National Security Act of 1947 made it illegal to ever say how
- much money is spent on the CIA. Indeed all of our tremendous
- alphabet soup collection of Intelligence Agencies. Whether your
- talking about the CIA, or the NRO, or the NSA or the DIA, etc.,
- all of them are in the same category.
- "You cannot say how much these things cost. All you can do
- if you want to find out is add-up the numbers on the Budget
- (which is presently at a deficit of well over 4 TRILLION
- dollars - Branton) that aren't assigned to anything that actually
- means anything. There are these huge categories that have tens
- of billions of dollars in them that say nothing but 'Special
- Projects...' And every year the Congress dutifully passes this
- bloated budget that has some $300,000,000,000 or more with HUGE
- chunks of cash labeled like that - 'Special Projects,' 'Unusual
- Stuff.' - Ten billion dollars. O.K., well where does the
- 'unusual stuff' money go? Well, it DOES go to 'unusual stuff',
- that's for sure, and one of the places it goes is that it goes
- into the underground bases. Indeed TIM said recently since the
- publication of his book (BLANK CHECK)... MORE Black Budget money
- goes into underground bases than ANY OTHER kind of work.
- "Now I don't believe that 35 billion, which is the
- approximate size of the black budget money that you can find by
- analyzing the budget, I don't think that comes CLOSE to the real
- figure because there is absolutely unequivocal evidence that a
- great deal of additional money was generated in other ways, such
- as the surreptitious running of guns and drugs. And one
- wonderful example of that is coming to light with the B.C.C.I.
- scandal which I hope you've heard of... a number of very high-
- ranking American officials are caught in the undertow of the BCCI
- tidal wave... Even though these guys are tying to pull 'fast
- ones' on an immense scale they are getting caught. These things
- don't always work. Indeed they are very, very vulnerable.
- Indeed this whole 'end game' is very vulnerable and that's
- why they feel it requires such secrecy. The American people
- wouldn't stand for this stuff if they had the information, and
- that's the reason why we have to get the information out and take
- it seriously because it really is a matter of our money and our
- future that's being mortgaged here.
- "But my friend who worked in the underground bases, who was
- doing sheetrock was down on, he thinks, approximately the 30th
- level underground... these bases are perhaps 30-35 stories deep
- ('ground-scrapers' as opposed to a 'sky-scrapers' - Branton). As
- I say they are not just mine shafts, these are huge, giant
- facilities... many city blocks in circumference, able to house
- tens of thousands of people. One of them, the YANO Facility
- (we're told... by the county fire dept. director, the county fire
- dept. chief who had to go in there to look at a minor fire
- infraction) there's a 400-car parking lot on the 1st level of the
- YANO Facility, but cars never come in and out, those are the cars
- that they use INSIDE.
- "O.K., so... a very interesting situation down there. Our
- guy was doing sheetrock on the 30th floor, maybe the 30th floor,
- underground. He and his crew are working on a wall and right
- over here is an elevator door. The elevator door opens and, a
- kind of reflex action you look, and he saw three 'guys'. Two of
- them, human engineers that he's seen before. And between them a
- 'guy' that stood about 8 to 8 1/2 feet tall. Green skin,
- reptilian features, extra-long arms, wearing a lab coat, holding
- a clip-board.
- "...I tend to believe that story because, first of all
- because we have other stories like it, but more importantly
- because he walked off that job that very day. And he was getting
- paid a GREAT deal of money... If your basically a sheetrock kind
- of guy, if you can do sheetrock in a place like that then you get
- paid way more than standard sheetrock wages, you can count on it.
- "So, he walked off that job. His buddy on that same crew
- turned into an alcoholic shortly after. This is an extremely
- upsetting thing. You know, it wasn't like this alien jumped out
- and bit his head off or anything, it was just standing there for
- a few minutes, the doors closed. He has a feeling that that
- elevator was malfunctioning, otherwise he never would have seen
- that except by accident.
- "In another incident though... at the China Lake Naval
- Weapons Station, up here at China Lake... near Ridgequest...
- they were working there on the China Lake Naval Weapons Station
- and walked by a hanger... They walked by a hanger as they were
- headed for their trucks to leave for the day. And they had
- parked their trucks in an unusual place, a place they didn't
- normally park, because it was an extremely hot day and they
- wanted to keep the trucks out of the sun. So the Security had
- given them permission to park the trucks in a place that wasn't
- normal. So they walked by a hanger that they didn't normally
- walk by, and they looked in, just kind of glanced in, and saw
- inside a couple of grays working on something. And of course
- they were, you know, astonished... And an MP came running over
- and said: 'Hey, you can't be here! What are you doing here?'
- And they said: 'Well, Security said we could park our trucks
- here.' And (the Security Guard) says: 'Well that's fine, but you
- get out of here because you'll get yourself killed!' So they
- left. But one of the young guys on that crew couldn't leave well
- enough alone. The guy we've been talking to said, 'Look, I know
- what you saw, I know what I saw. I know what we saw at Haystack
- (Butte), it's all for real, I know what's going on, but don't be
- a stupid jerk. Leave it alone!'
- "This kid didn't leave it alone, and very shortly thereafter
- he was booted off the base, and three months later he was dead
- under mysterious circumstances. Now of course we can't say that
- he died 'because' of this. There's a disturbing pattern of
- people dying however when they see things they're not supposed
- to... Michael Riconosciuto makes it very clear in his statement
- to us that if you go past a certain point your dead or disappear,
- just like that. We've heard that time and time again. Indeed
- there are a great many people on the 'inside' who are making it
- clear that they would love to flee, people like these people that
- apparently were blown out of the sky, the Wackenhut garbage.
- These are trained (mercenaries) who have seen things they cannot
- stand, things that turn their stomach, things that make them want
- to grab evidence and flee for their lives. And they were blown
- out of the sky, probably by something equivalent to a stinger
- missile or something like that. And there are lots of people who
- want to get out.
- "Just an example of the way these people talk, one of them
- said to us, 'I would trade my $100,000.00 a year salary for a job
- at McDonald's if I could get out alive. There's a certain
- despair there, a certain feeling of entrapment. You see there
- are the people who know what's going on and who have created this
- agenda and have 'bought-into' it entirely, they are enrolled in
- it, and they believe that they are indeed the 'Olympians'. They
- have to employ lots of normal humans like us to do the
- sheetrocking, to do the grubwork, and those people are in a very
- bizarre catch-22, because they are given the promise of a salary
- that they never believed possible. You know... they're going to
- paint walls all day and they're going to take down a hundred
- grand a year, this is unusual. That's the up-side of the deal.
- The down side of the deal is (you know, and they make it very
- clear)... all these people who get these high security clearances
- are subjected to INCREDIBLY intimidating indoctrination and
- intimidation processes... they really do subject these people to
- tremendous pressure, tremendous intimidation, indeed they do
- inflict great violence on people (on whom) they 'need' to. They
- make 'examples' of people..."
- In one sense, there is a growing division taking place
- between the Constitutionalists of America and the 'Alien'
- controlled segments within the underground bases. This would
- also include their human 'pawns' who will apparently do anything,
- even murder their fellow man, in order to continue receiving the
- technological 'benefits' from their alien masters, to whom they
- have 'sold' themselves and whose agenda of control and subversion
- they are serving, whether knowing or unknowingly.
- * * *
- (INPUT 003)
- The following account was revealed by writer and UFO investigator
- Preston Dennet, in an article titled: 'EXPOSED: PROJECT
- REDLIGHT'. In his article, which originally reached several
- thousand readers, he reveals the following information which
- supports the allegations of William Cooper, John Lear, Michael
- Lindemann and several others:
- "...Tom's story began in high school. He was very bright
- and had received an exceptionally high score on the Scholastic
- Aptitude Test. In fact, his scores were so high, it caused some
- attention to be paid to him. It seemed that the United States
- Government was very interested in Tom and wanted him to work for
- them. He had no idea then what his high scores were going to
- cost him.
- "Government officials first approached Tom's parents, and
- asked them if they would allow their son to work for the
- government. When Tom's parents gave their consent, Tom was
- approached and given an offer he couldn't refuse. In exchange
- for his services, he would receive a Top Secret security
- clearance to match a ridiculously large salary. His job was to
- conduct research in a Top Secret underground base in Alaska.
- "Tom accepted the offer and went directly out of high school
- and into government service. He told everyone that he was
- stationed as a base in Nevada -- but this was only a cover story.
- In reality Tom spent only the weekends in Nevada. On weekdays he
- flew by private military jet to a Top Secret Government base in
- Alaska.
- "The base was an eight story building located almost totally
- underground. The base financed itself by setting up the world's
- leading drug smugglers. Officials would arrest the drug
- smugglers, confiscate all the money and drugs, and then turn
- around and sell the drugs to another smuggler -- whom they would
- then proceed to arrest and confiscate. It sounds like a strange
- way to finance a scientific-military research base, but it is
- obviously very profitable. Although not strictly legal, such
- practices could be justified in the name of National Security (at
- least in some minds).
- "Tom reported that the base was mainly a research station
- that nabbed up some of the best scientific minds in the country,
- and had the latest technology for advanced research. There were
- three major areas of research of which he was aware.
- "Firstly, the base researched and developed biological
- weapons, which, as Tom said, made all other weapons seem like
- childsplay.
- "Secondly, the base researched and developed electronic
- sensory and detection devices that allowed telescopic sight
- through solid objects, such as walls.
- "Thirdly -- and most importantly -- the base researched and
- developed electromagnetic propulsion devices -- flying crafts
- which needed no fuel other than the Earth's magnetic field on
- which to operate. According to Tom, the ships look like UFOs,
- and are able to hover silently, and move at astonishing speeds.
- As Tom says in his own words, 'Some of the UFOs seen over Alaska
- are probably ours.'
- "Tom didn't say exactly what his job at the base entailed,
- but he did say that the security was extremely high. Every week
- he was subjected to a horrible ritual. Due to the nature of his
- job, everything about him had to be known. He would be taken to
- a special room where he was dosed with Sodium Pentothal and put
- into a hypnotic trance. For a period of a couple hours, he would
- be interrogated into every aspect of his life for the past week.
- Every detail would be laid bare to make sure that there were no
- security leaks. This agonizing ritual was repeated every week as
- long as he was at the base. There were no exceptions.
- "Tom evidently got out of the business after several years
- as the lifestyle was too harsh. Since he left the base he as
- been, and still is, under close monitoring by the government.
- After his release from the base, he was offered several extremely
- high-paying jobs by some of the country's leading corporations.
- Tom declined these offers and pursued a more modest job and
- lifestyle.
- "So closes Tom's story, which alone could be easily
- dismissed. But in league with those collected by other
- researchers, it seems evident that the government is in
- possession of UFOs, and are in fact, flying them around!"
- * * *
- (INPUT 004)
- Following is a transcript of a letter which was sent to
- researcher Tal LeVesque, however in order to protect his source's
- identity he did not reveal the name or address of the individual
- who wrote the letter. Dated April 10, 1992, the letter stated:
- "This is going to be quite a bit shorter than my other
- letter in March. I wanted to tell you about my visitor today.
- This fellow is in the Army and is visiting me on business. He is
- getting out in about two months and wants to work at the
- laboratory. During our lunch today we began to talk about
- different things we had driven. I mentioned that the largest
- vehicle I have ever driven is a 90 passenger bus. Without any
- prompting on my part, he told me that prior to his enlistment in
- 1972 he worked for John Deere Company. The plant where he was
- built LARGE earth moving machines, mostly for strip mining. He
- told me about one piece that he worked on that was as large as a
- football field. It was for strip mining and took three men to
- operate it (one for driving, one for the 'bucket' in front and
- one to operate the treads). What made my day was when he told me
- that once they had an order from the government to assemble some
- special equipment. This equipment was so large that they had to
- take it all apart for shipment. When asked why, he was told that
- it was heading for a government project in Alaska. When it got
- there in pieces, it was to be LOWERED INTO AN UNDERGROUND CAVERN
- this perked me up because I was reminded of the maps of
- underground tunnels you have sent me. But, imagine, if you will,
- this huge machine, as large as a football field, being lowered
- into an underground cavern and reassembled there to excavate. Is
- there a tunnel that far north? Or is there another underground
- base up there? Have you heard of any thing like this? This is
- one of the best confirmations that I have run across, outside of
- the literature you sent, that this tunnel system and/or
- underground base actually exists. This is exciting and getting
- more so all the time. It is also kind of scary because it
- confirms some of what you have shared with me. I know that this
- is second hand but I have no reason to disbelieve the fellow. He
- has no reason to lie. Especially since he has no idea that I am
- interested in this kind of thing.
- "I also had another strange call the other day. The fellow
- that I told you about in the last letter called me and shared
- some more information regarding the German connection to UFOs.
- Remember, in my earlier letter I pretty well stated what I felt
- about this. Well, the things he told me this time regard more of
- what he shared last month. He asked me not to say too much other
- than that he had proof that Germany was experimenting with
- various ELF fields as early as the late 1920s and early 30s. He
- claims that he has information that linked Marconi with
- experiments in Italy in the late 30s. I have followed some of
- this because of my interest in ELF and possible biological
- entrainment. The same information was given to some other
- friends over an open phone earlier in the day. Dr. Dennis C., a
- good friend, has been in contact with him also as well as Dr.
- Richard D. Both of these men are experts in their fields.
- Richard is an expert in the electrical activity of the brain and
- Dennis is recognized for his work in cold-fusion. Without their
- permission, I do not want to let out their names. Among some of
- the other things this fellow told me was that car engines have
- been stopped. UFOs? (Knowles Family Encounter in Australia,
- 1988) and that there have been some pretty bad biological effects
- recorded. he claims that the Germans tried a Philadelphia type
- experiment in a deep harbor in Germany during the late 30s. Most
- of the work had to stop because of the war that came."
- * * *
- (INPUT 005)
- The following incident was related in OMNI Magazines 'special'
- 1990-91 issue, in an article by Budd Hopkins titled "NOTES FROM
- THE UNDERGROUND", in which he relates an incident which was sent
- to him by an 'abductee':
- "...We were driving along a deserted road in complete
- darkness when we turned a bend in the road and came across a
- BRIGHTLY LIT object beside the road ahead. The object revealed
- itself to be nothing more than a farming tractor, or something
- similar, but as soon as I saw it from a distance of about two
- hundred yards I was absolutely frozen with terror, for no reason.
- My friend who was with me obviously had the same thoughts as he
- quickly brought the car to a halt beside the object before we
- identified it (from about ten to fifteen yards) as being some
- sort of tractor...
- "The question I want to put to you is if you know of any
- cases where UFOs have effectively disguised themselves to the
- onlooker as everyday objects. I hope this doesn't sound
- completely wild, but I'm hoping that you'll be able to tell me
- that this sort of thing has happened before and I'm not plain
- crazy!
- "I often think about the encounter, especially when I'm
- alone. Sometimes I just feel concerned, but, more often than
- not, the thought of those few moments causes me to shiver, and
- regularly I start to cry. Right now I feel pretty silly even
- writing this letter, but I know that when I relive the encounter
- again, on my own, it will have the same effect, but why?
- "I became aware of this impression several years ago and it
- was so very vivid, and I cannot get it out of my mind. I decided
- it must have been something I had dreamed at one time, but it
- always seemed much more like a part of me, like a memory, than a
- dream, and how could this be? I have this in my memory all the
- time now, and I have pondered over it many, many times. This is
- the vision: Someone is taking me somewhere. I don't know where I
- am. I don't knew who is with me. Perhaps only one (entity).
- There is no speaking at all during this whole thing. We come to
- a place. I don't know where this is. There seems to be a huge
- tank of some kind. I cannot even see the boundaries of it. I am
- in front of it. I cannot see the sides of it or the back of it
- because of the fluid. It is filled with a very dark, clear
- bluish-green liquid. Hanging inside of the liquid are scores of
- fetuses, in different phases of growth. They are hanging on a
- cord, which is attached to their abdomen (umbilicus?). I cannot
- see where it is attached up above. I don't know where it is
- coming from. The fetuses are all hanging with their backs
- upward. They are facing the bottom of the tank. But they are
- suspended in this liquid, which is thick, or gelatinous, in
- nature."
- * * *